VisitWiltshire Ticket Portal

FAQs / Help

How can I contact VisitWiltshire?

You can call VisitWiltshire on 01722 323036 alternatively please email us at

Our offices are open Monday-Friday, 9-5.30pm. 

What happens if an event is cancelled?

Please note the specific terms and conditions on each ticket type bought. 

Who manages the ticketing site?

This site is managed by VisitWiltshire on behalf of our partners.

Do you issue refunds?

We regret that tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase. The Management cannot be held responsible for any tickets which are lost or stolen. This does not affect your statuary rights. 

What happens once I book?

On completion of your order, you will be emailed a ticket containing a barcode and booking reference number, and any relevant information.